Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lets hear it for an Optimistic view on life

Ok so today I have had such a slow and sluggish start to my day and I think it might be because I didn’t get up at the crack of dawn to work out. But I totally have legit reasons… I slept all warm and cozy in my pink queen size bed until 8am and it was FAN- FREAKIN- TASTIC!!! I had a late night yesterday. I was online looking at more wedding stuff and trying to get more ideas for the DIY wedding I want to have. I also baked Mark his favorite cake (yellow cake with chocolate frosting) it turned out so yummy looking ha ha ha. I even put little pink hearts on it with pink confectioner’s sugar. I hope he likes it, it’s a surprise treat for when he gets home tonight, since I really don’t have any real food other than my weight watchers food. I figured I could do this for him.

I stayed up so late last night because my boss had told us yesterday that because of the weather we were having we didn’t have to come to work until 10am Thursday. So I was like hell yeah I’m going to clean up a little bit, catch up on Sex in the City, bake, cook, deep condition my hair, do a hot oil treatment, polish my toe nails and nails, shave my legs and be completely at ease because I have all of tonight and most of my morning.  What I really did was watch Sex in the City, while baking his cake and looking at wedding garb on the net. I ended up shaving my legs at around midnight and what I ate was a bowl of Fiber One Caramel Delights cereal.
This was my glamorous night.

To my surprise this morning I woke up at 6am to talk to Mark before he went in to work. For some reason I was a little skeptical to go to work at 10am I kept thinking I’m going to show up for work at 10am and everyone is going to be there already and I totally missed the memo because I don’t know how to check my work email from home, I needed to ask someone. So I texted my HR representative who is kind of like my boss and her assistant and also this girl who I’m kind of friends with at work. HR replied to my text and said that yes we didn’t have to show up until 10am because that’s what our boss said yesterday. I also received a text from my work friend saying she didn’t know anything about it but to let her know if it was true. So the only person that didn’t text me back was the assistant and I was like ok so its probably true or she would have texted me already. So I went back to sleep and it was awesomeness!!!

I didn’t do much this morning but I did log on to my weight watchers account to put in my new weight and since I’ve started this for real this time I’ve lost 12lbs yay!!!
I started with weight watchers like the day before Mark left but I didn’t officially have an account. When I started I weighed 225! I couldn’t believe it because over the summer I was complaining about being 175. I had felt so fat at 175. Don’t get me wrong for only being 5’2 and weighing 175 I know that’s still an unhealthy weight, but try 50 pounds heavier.  How did I let myself get to 225? This seriously crept up on me. I started having really bad back problems, I was having a hard time going up stairs and not being out of breath, even getting out of my car would cause me to be out of breath. Not only that, none of my cute clothes fit, I had to wear my pants unbuttoned and rolled down so they would stay secure, it was embarrassing. I didn’t think I was gaining any serious amount of weight because Mark is always telling me how beautiful Iam, how much he loves my body, I mean I still turned him on so I didn’t think I was changing at all. But all of that led to me gaining 50 lbs without even really realizing it. 

So I decided one day to join weight watchers after seeing Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Osbourne, they definitely inspired me. So I wanted to do this but I had no money.  I found awesome recipes online that had the weight watchers new point plus calculations and I found out exactly how many points I would be online. I wanted to do it free all the way. So I was doing good for 2 weeks I lost a total of 22 lbs and I felt like I could do it all on my own.


I started hanging out with my lady friends eating out, drinking margaritas, eating heavy amounts of deliciously cheesy Mexican food, going shopping for nothing, just pigging out on a lot of fun junk food. I hung out with my cousin and ate a lot of burgers ridiculous amounts of amazing chili cheese fries from 59 diner with ranch dipping sauce, milk shakes just anything that a stoner would eat without having THC in my body ha ha ha. I would go to my moms and pig out so I definitely had a good reason as to why I gained 15lbs out of the 22 I had lost. It was no surprise. I’m just glad I didn’t gain more with the crazy food fests I was having. I really don’t have the self discipline or will power to do it.

So I put my extra spending money into weight watchers. Now that I have an account I understand why I lost that much weight so quickly… I wasn’t eating enough. According to the calculations I was using I only had 24 points to use, with the program I have 34 and there is so much help on the website I love it and I plan on getting out of the 200s in the next 2 wks. I have to try to get under my last summer weight by this summer!!! I just don’t want to be a chunky bride struggling to fit into my dress and being self conscious about myself.
I have also quit smoking and I asked Mark to do this with me. I want us to be healthy and happy together this year and he’s going to have to cooperate with me on this because I cant do it without him. Also if he keeps his lifestyle the way it is now I could lose him at an early age and I really don’t want that. So our new lifestyle is beginning this week. I started on Monday and he started today Iam so proud of my baby. I am quitting cold turkey and trust me on Monday (my 1st day) you would not have wanted to be anywhere near me. I was being so mean and crazy, I’m better now. Mark has started on his Nicotine patch today *Come on lets hear it for the boy, yeah lets give the boy a hand* Iam so proud of him. Yay for us!!!

My friend from work Brittney told me that she would do our engagement photos as a starter for her portfolio so she is going to work with my imagination and come up with something utterly amazing and I definitely don’t want to be hindered by my weight. My weight is going to be the last thing on my mind, I want to just have fun and be able to wear cute summer dresses.

We as in my cousin Luis, my friend Brittney, my friend Mychael, Me and maybe Mark (depending on if he’s in town) have a lot of plans over the summer. We have, Six Flags Fiesta Texas in mind, floating the river, going to New Orleans, taking a mini road trip to Austin, and Free Press Summer Fest to think about so I can’t let my weight bother me through any of those memory making moments. This year is the beginning to the most amazing part of my life, no more regrets I’m living my life the way I want with the people I want and we are going to just be happy!

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