1. Kittens
Some people call me a cat lady but seriously how can you resist?!!!
2. Picnics with amazingly cute picnic gear
I need cute picnic baskets
3. Drinking out of mason jars
These are amazing to pack for picnics because they don't spill at all and are cute!!
4. SKINS!!!
I spent this weekend watching Skins with Mark and catching him up and he loved it almost as mucg as I did
I freaking love CASSIE by far hands down my favorite!!!
5. Blueberry Tea
I have never tasted any thing as amazing as blueberry tea Iam Obsessed
6. Love letters
I of course am a hopeless romantic and I hope one day before I die Mark will write me a love letter and make it as cute as these
I'am also obsessed with these cute little coin purses
7. The Belle wedding!!!
8. Ignoring my insecurities
I will be getting a couple more cupcake tattoos soon. I just cant get enough!!!
9. Floral Print
My favorite print ever
10. Endless love
I hope everyone has a great night. I know that tomorrow will be a better day.
Im about to go night night with waffle and dream of Mark and cupcakes
Awe, I want someone to whisper that I am their world. ='[ sad...but hopeful.